A determined father and son successfully scaled Scotland's highest mountain to raise funds for a children's charity. 

Teacher Steven Kelly and son Lynden climbed 1,345m Ben Nevis to raise cash for The Honeypot Children’s Charity.

The new home, at Dalleagles on the outskirts of New Cumnock, opened up last year to support young carers in Scotland.

Cumnock Chronicle:

The centre has welcomed groups of young carers from across the country, taking them on day trips and allowing them to be children for a few days.

Steven and Lynden completed the climb on Saturday, May 18 after setting off at 6am, and have raised over £1,000 for the charity.

The money is set to be used for a group of kids to be able to go for a day trip while they're on their visit to Dalleagles.

Cumnock Chronicle:

Speaking about his adventure, the former Cumnock Academy teacher, and current Doon Academy favourite said: "It was great bonding time with my son. We actually camped at Glen Nevis on the Friday night and set off at 6am, reaching the summit around 10am.

"It was tough going but the experience was exhilarating. Incredible views and lots of colourful characters.

"The people make the experience, dressed in all manner of regalia mostly for charities and good causes. We were delighted to wave the Honeypot flag.

"Many people were interested to learn more about the charity and share stories regarding theirs.

"We eventually made it back to level ground two-and-a-half hours after leaving the summit."

It's not the first time that Steven and Lynden have teamed up to raise money for charity, as they battled through a walk of the River Ayr to help out a local family following the earthquakes in Turkey last year.

Cumnock Chronicle:

Steven added: "We were energy-sapped, sore and leg weary. It tested every ounce of our physical and mental strength bearing in mind we had zero training beforehand.

"Most importantly we raised money for an excellent local charity where many young carers will benefit from our community's generosity.

"Lynden and I would like to extend our sincere thanks for all the support we have received.

"Donations can still be made over the next fortnight. We are already planning the West Highland Way for 2025."

You can support the efforts by going to www.justgiving.com/page/steven-h-kelly-1711290802244.