A new respite facility near New Cumnock has officially opened its doors.

The Honeypot Children’s Charity opened the new home for young carers in Scotland, the first of its kind nestled in New Cumnock.

The organisation gives young carers a break from demanding and stressful responsibilities at home and provides a safe, nurturing environment where children at risk can develop to their full potential.

Cumnock Chronicle: The new roomsThe new rooms (Image: Honeypot Children’s Charity)

The new respite centre in Dalleagles will aim to benefit young carers in the area.

Representatives from referral agencies, current and future donors, representatives from East Ayrshire Council, the local community, Honeypot trustees, staff and volunteers all came together to celebrate the momentous occasion that had been in Honeypot’s plans for many years.

Bernie Porter from the Richard Porter Family Foundation, whose generous support enabled the purchase of Honeypot Dalleagles was in attendance.

He officially opened Honeypot Dalleagles by cutting the ribbon.

Cumnock Chronicle: The ribbon-cutting ceremonyThe ribbon-cutting ceremony (Image: Honeypot Children’s Charity)

Jaiden, a young carer who has previously benefited from Honeypot’s services story, was shown with tears in the room.

Depute provost Claire Leitch spoke about the demands for Honeypot’s services in the area, alligned with her own mission to provide opportunities for young people who are disadvantaged through no fault of their own.

Cumnock Chronicle: Excellent facilitiesExcellent facilities (Image: Honeypot Children’s Charity)

Hugh Whitaker, Honeypot trustee, said: “The opening of the beautiful new Honeypot House in Dalleagles heralds the start of The Honeypot Children’s Charity involvement on the ‘ground’ in Scotland, meeting a long time aim of the charity and has all the hallmarks of being a huge asset in providing support for young carers.”

Despite the inside being complete, plans are still in place to enhance and extend the outside of the building.

Honeypot CEO Simmi Woodwal welcomed guests and thanked the many supporters attending the event who have been instrumental in the charity's new presence in Scotland.

Cumnock Chronicle: Guests enjoying the tourGuests enjoying the tour (Image: Honeypot Children’s Charity)

A charity representative added: "We should like to express our huge gratitude to The Richard Porter Family Foundation and Simon Clarke for sponsoring Honeypot Dalleagles, and supporting young carers in Scotland.

"Thank you to everyone who joined us on this momentous day, the real magic begins on August 11, when the first group of Scottish young carers get to enjoy this new house.

"If you would like to sponsor a break for a young carer in Scotland or make a contribution towards Honeypot Dalleagles, please contact us."