A father and son duo are set to take on a charity climb to raise funds for a children's respite centre near New Cumnock.

The Honeypot Children’s Charity last year opened a new home for young carers in Scotland, the first of its kind, near Dalleagles.

Since then the centre has welcomed groups of young carers from across the country, taking them on day trips and allowing them to be children for a few days.

Cumnock Chronicle: The centre near New Cumnock opened last year.The centre near New Cumnock opened last year. (Image: Honeypot)

The day trips and activities are funded through generous revenue streams and charity efforts, like the one planned by Steven Kelly and his son, Lynden.

They will be climbing Ben Nevis next weekend, with an aim of raising at least £1,000 for the charity.

It's not the first time that Steven and Lynden have teamed up to raise money for charity, as they battled through a walk of the River Ayr to help out a local family following the earthquakes in Turkey last year.

Cumnock Chronicle: Steven Kelly and son, Lynden, will be taking on the climb.Steven Kelly and son, Lynden, will be taking on the climb. (Image: NQ Archive)

This time, former Cumnock Academy teacher, and current Doon Academy favourite, Steven Kelly will aim to raise funds for the centre near New Cumnock.

READ MORE: Respite centre for young carers officially opens near New Cumnock

Steve said: "Obviously we're hoping to raise a bit of money for the charity near New Cumnock by doing this, but we also want to try and spread the message about what the charity does.

"They do so much amazing work with kids from all across Scotland, and it's great to hear about them exploring the local area.

"These kids have got a lot going on at home, by looking after a family member and having to grow up very quickly.

"So this priceless place lets them be kids for a few days and go out exploring and enjoy themselves with other youngsters in their position.

"This money would be used for a group of kids to be able to go for a day trip while they're on their visit to Dalleagles, so it's honestly priceless for them to get this experience and the team at The Honey Pot really go above and beyond for these kids."

Cumnock Chronicle: Bruce Ruthven, operations manager at Dalleagles House.Bruce Ruthven, operations manager at Dalleagles House. (Image: NQ staff)

The charity is also looking at expansions in the future, having transformed the old school on the outskirts of New Cumnock.

While Steven is keen to grow the funds and profile of the charity, he's looking forward to taking on the challenge with his son.

He added: "It's incredible to be doing something like this with Lynden again.

"It's priceless bonding time and something we'll always be able to look back on and be proud of.

"I look back at pictures from the River Ayr walk and see how much we were able to raise for that, and if we're able to raise another fabulous amount, then that would be amazing.

"The generous people of Cumnock and beyond never fail to amaze me, so I want to thank them again for all their support."

You can support the efforts by going to www.justgiving.com/page/steven-h-kelly-1711290802244.