Plans for a new 22-home development in Cumnock have been approved, despite strong local objections.

Proposals for the new houses on a site near Cameron Crescent went before the East Ayrshire Council (EAC) planning committee last week.

EAC planning chiefs had recommended that the plans be approved, despite 20 separate objections being lodged with the local authority.

An application was submitted to East Ayrshire planning chiefs by JKM Consultancy on behalf of Jim Smith, in February 2022.

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Site plans show that access to the residential area would be between two homes currently on Cameron Crescent.

Four objections attended the council meeting on Friday, September 29.

Mr Stirling, who lives on Cameron Crescent, said: "Most of the objections are relating to the roads and vehicle traffic.

"John Allan Drive is one-way with very few off road parking spaces. Residents are already worries about getting past parked vehicles and emergency vehicles getting through."

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Fellow objector, Mr Ashton, added: "I Want to raise the issue of privacy. I stand to lose privacy in my own home. I will have members of the public and everybody walking past my home.

"If I don’t raise my fence to about 10 to 12 feet, everyone will be freely able to look into the back of my house and I will not be able to go in my garden.

"It strikes me that these concerns have been raised but not full accepted."

Other issues were raised about sewage and drainage issues for the planned homes, as well as how wide the entrance road to the application would be.

Cumnock Chronicle: The proposed site layout.The proposed site layout. (Image: East Ayrshire Council)

Applicant agent, Mr Malcolm attempted to address these concerns at the meeting.

He said: The gap on houses in Cameron Crescent was created for any future developments.

“Noise impact assessments was requested and there are mitigation measures which will be enforceable by condition.

“[There have been] no reportable accidents recorded in that area in the last 10 years which I think is an important point.

“With regards to drainage, that’s subject to construction consent."

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He added: “Flood risk showed that 5 metre difference between river and houses show it was not a risk.

“In terms of the objections, we fully respect their comments. The comment that this amount of houses can’t be serviced by the current roads simply isn’t true.

“It’s not an high number of houses for the roads there and for the designs going in.

“There are no overlooking issues. The houses are more than far enough away from their 18 minutes minimum distances.

“The ecology will actually be enhanced with this development.

“The road and footpaths are all to the required widths with two-way traffic, which will allow for road safety to be at the top."

Ayrshire Roads Alliance added that there is no reason to believe that emergency vehicle access will be restricted.

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They also said that it is unlikely that there will be an increase fo on-street parking.

A motion was put forward from Councillor Maitland, seconded by Cllr Watts, to grant as per recommendation but with amendment for Saturday work to begin at 9am, instead of 8am.

An amendment from Councillor McGhee, seconded by Cllr Freel, was to grant permission as per the application, with an 8am start time for Saturdays.

The motion was carried by councillors by six votes to four.