A proposal to build a house on vacant ground in a residential area of Mauchline has been withdrawn.

A planning application was made to East Ayrshire Council to erect the property at the corner of Hamilton Avenue and Lochlea Avenue.

One objector said that previous applications for the development of a house and another for lock up garages had been refused by planners.

READ MORE: Mauchline street to be made one-way

They stated in their objection: “This has been applied for before and as stated before the house will block the view from junction off Lochlea Avenue.

“All houses on Hamilton Avenue sit at least 4m back from the footpath, this
house will not.

“As said before the council knocked back permission for garages to be built on same plot for the same reason.

“There is also an access road at bottom side of plot for access to the rear
of houses in Lochlea Avenue.

“This would also affect the view of cars coming out of the lane.”

Despite objectors raising previously refused applications, Ayrshire Roads Alliance did not object to the application, with just one condition around resurfacing the pavement around an access point being required.

The application had also included references to planning permission that had been previously approved for a house on the site.

The application was officially withdrawn this week.