Three football programmes in Ayrshire have been given an additional funding boost to help eradicate child poverty. 

The Scottish Government will double its investment in the Extra Time Programme, a joint initiative with the Scottish Football Association, from £2 million to £4 million for this financial year.

The funding will support more free before and after school clubs, and holiday clubs for children from families on low incomes.

The Killie Community have been awarded £53,923.45, Ayr United have been granted £226,630, and Cumnock Juniors Community Enterprise will receive £31,000.

First Minister John Swinney said: “We know funding from the Extra Time Programme is enabling football clubs and trusts to provide really valuable childcare options, particularly for families from low-income households who are most at risk of living in poverty.

"By removing barriers to affordable and accessible childcare, we will contribute to the eradication of child poverty. 

“Like many others, I will be supporting Scotland at Euro 2024 when it gets underway in Germany this week.

"But the Extra Time Programme is a reminder that local football clubs are supporting communities here at home – providing valuable services beyond matchday.

"They understand the value of that support for local families, and they are well placed to provide crucial facilities and services.”