This week, we take a look back at the big stories and pictures from the Cumnock Chronicle in late April 2004.

Do you recognise anyone in these pics from 20 years ago?

Cumnock Chronicle: Hole

A massive hole that could swallow a small car appeared in the road near Skares. The hole, around six feet wide and eight feet deep, was believed to be an underground road leading to the old Whitehill pit shaft which subsided. It was located just beyond the junction of the Skares to New Cumnock back road. One resident quipped: “The potholes on Skares Road were bad enough, but this was beyond a joke.” An investigation into what caused the hole was underway. In other words, officials were looking into it…

Cumnock Chronicle: Copper

Mauchline police officer Constable Alan Castle joined thousands of athletes to take part in the London Marathon. He ran the gruelling 26-mile course in an worthy four hours and 50 minutes and raised a fantastic £600 on behalf of ‘Dreams Come True’, a charity which raised funds for terminally ill children.

Cumnock Chronicle: Logan

Logan pupils planted the seeds to ensure they had great grounds for learning back in April 2004. The primary school had been awarded £1,500 from the Start Growing Upwards section for the Grounds for Learning project which encouraged young people to develop their playground.

Cumnock Chronicle: Catrine

Children in Catrine proved that they not only jump for joy, but they bounce for fundraising. Around 25 youngsters gave Winnie the Pooh’s favourite bouncing Tigger a run for his money as they trampolined their way through an entire afternoon to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust.

Cumnock Chronicle: Climbers

Four Auchinleck men were preparing to climb the three highest peaks on mainland Britain for charity. Danny Gemmell, David Smith, Tom Lennox and John Donnelly set out to conquer Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon, all in just 24 hours for the National Osteoporosis Society. Pictured are (L-R) Danny, David, Tom and John, joined by (front L-R) Anna Saunderson and Janette Leitch (NOS Cumnock and District Branch), star driver, Alastair McConnell and Oscar the healthy skeleton!

Cumnock Chronicle: Ochiltree's community concert in April 2004

The people of Ochiltree joined together for a fabulous community concert. With a raft of talent on show from singers, dancers and musicians the audiences were well entertained and witnessed a true community effort between the young and the young at heart. The event was aimed at raising funds for the parish church.