AN AYRSHIRE MSP has praised the work of the Guilds at two local churches after paying a visit to the groups to find out about what they do.

Carol Mochan met members of the Guilds from the churches in Auchinleck and Catrine at the Boswell Centre in Auchinleck.

The Scottish Labour MSP, who represents the South Scotland region, heard from the members of both Guilds about the generous work they are doing in the local area, and listened to their concerns about the need for national decision-making to take account of local community groups like theirs.

The two groups are part of the Church of Scotland's Guild, an organisation of more than 15,000 members across the country, making it one of the country’s largest volunteer organisations.

Cumnock Chronicle:

Speaking after the visit, Ms Mochan said: “I was pleased to meet the ladies of the Auchinleck and Catrine Guild.

"I was inspired by the work that they are doing to serve the local community and they are a credit to our area.  

“Organisations such as this are the backbone of East Ayrshire, and we should all be thankful for the work that they are doing locally and indeed similar groups across Scotland."

Ms Mochan added: “Members of the Guild are volunteers dedicated to serving local people, interacting and working with them all the time, and it is time that we should recognise local voluntary organisations such as the Guild in our decision making nationally.

"Far too much is left for them to do for free that central government should be funding.

"I am certain this group and many others would appreciate any kind of support they can get."