A petition to fight against the decision to close a vital mental health service in Kilmarnock has been launched.

The Morven Centre, also known as Morven Day Services, saw its funding cut following a review by the East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership (EAHSCP).

The centre offers support to adults aged 18 and over who have mental health difficulties and live in the authority.

The service is based in several locations in East Ayrshire and its flexible support can help with emotional distress and mood disorders. 

A petition set up by Cheryl Scott has garnered nearly 350 signatures in just a few days, with supporters calling the decision "devastating."

The petition reads: "Mental health provision in East Ayrshire is under threat with the local council threatening to remove vital funding, which would close the Morven Day Centre.

"Please sign to indicate your displeasure at the decision and support some of the most vulnerable people in society.

"This facility is the only support that is available to them and helps around 130 souls at any one time.

"For over 30 years, it has provided essential support to the community."

Jo Gibson, head of wellbeing and recovery at EAHSCP, said: "The wellbeing of East Ayrshire residents is our highest priority.

"All those currently attending the Morven Centre are in the process of being contacted, their needs discussed, and appropriate alternative supports identified. This has already begun."

The petition can be viewed at bit.ly/3OgPzaa.