Auchinleck Indoor Bowling Club is set to receive £4,050 to carry out work to prevent lightning damage.

The club was granted £28,000 in May this year to help fund a £66,000 energy efficiency programme at their Well Road premises that will help them save an estimated £12,000 a year on energy bills.

But during a roof inspection carried out before work on the project began, it was discovered that the lightning conductors on the roof were damaged and would need to be replaced at the cost of £4,050.

In a recommendation to East Ayrshire Council’s Grants Committee, an official report: “This will support the energy efficiency works scheduled to commence in the next few months.

“The sport of bowling in Auchinleck is well supported at both the indoor and outdoor facility. The clubs are working together to ensure the sustainability of the sport for local residents and to encourage visitors to the area.

“Both clubs host regional competitions and events that bring visitors to Auchinleck. Although Covid has had an impact on membership numbers, it is anticipated that improvements to both facilities will encourage new members.

“In the shorter term, the implementation of cost-saving and security measures will help support longer term financial sustainability.

“Over the last year, they have seen significant rises in utility bills and have investigated renewable energy options to help reduce costs.

“Business Energy Scotland undertook an energy efficiency assessment to identify options for the creation of a more efficient building that will reduce utility bills long term.”

The indoor bowling club will install solar panels, de-stratification fans and a zone control heating system at an estimated cost of £53,000.

In May the same committee approved a Renewable Energy Fund grant of £28,000 to support the project.

In their recommendation to councillors, the officer reports: “The project satisfies the ‘community-led sports and leisure’ category within REF criteria.

A grant of £4,050 is recommended to support replacing lightning conductors on the roof of the Indoor Bowling Club subject to grant conditions.”

The grants committee will consider the application on Wednesday, November 8.