A researcher in the Netherlands is seeking help from readers of the Chronicle as he tries to track down the family of a Mauchline soldier who was killed during the Second World War.

Raimondo Bogaars is a researcher for the foundation Erfgoed 40-45 - a group which researches the war and those who lost their lives in the vicinity of the Dutch villages of Valkenswaard and Waalr.

For years they have been researching the men buried at the Valkenswaard War Cemetery, around 12km south of the city of Eindhoven.

Their work has led them to issue an appeal through the Chronicle for any information about a young soldier from Mauchline who was among those killed in action in the area.

Records show that Private James Ramsay, believed to be from Jean Armour Drive, died on September 28, 1944 - little more than seven months before the end of the war - at the age of 19.

According to a news item published in the Chronicle reporting his death, James, who served with the Royal Scots Fusiliers, was the son of Mr and Mrs William Ramsay.

Wartime records add that James died at the field hospital in the village of Meerveldhoven and was initially buried there, but he now has a gravestone at Valkenswaard War Cemetery.

James's death was reported in the Chronicle on October 18, 1944.

Cumnock Chronicle: A report in the Cumnock Chronicle from 1944.A report in the Cumnock Chronicle from 1944. (Image: Raimondo Bogaars)

The report read: "Killed in action- it was reported early on Monday morning that Private James Ramsay, R.S.F., was killed in action in Holland on September 28th.

"He was 20 years of age [though it's subsequently believed he was 19], and previous to joining up worked at Barskimming Mill, and resided with his parents, Mr and Mrs William Ramsay at Jean Armour Drive.

"He was a much respected lad, with a quiet disposition, and very much sympathy is felt for his parents and others in the family, in their sad loss.

"It was Private Ramsay who gave first information by letter of the recent death of Wm. Crawford in North-West Europe."

If anyone has any information about James and his family that they could pass on, they can contact Raimondo Bogaars by emailing r.bogaars@planet.nl.

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