An Auchinleck-based care service has met part of its required improvements, according to a new report.

Ayrshire Care Solutions was given areas for improvement by the Care Inspectorate following a visit back in July.

Ayrshire Care Solutions provides a combined housing support and care-at-home service for people across Ayrshire, with the office base recently relocated in Auchinleck.

At the time of this inspection the service was supporting 39 people to live independently within their local community.

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Two requirements were made at the initial inspection and since then the service had put an action plan in place to manage the improvements needed, according to inspectors.

An initial requirement was set that, by September 5, 2023, the provider must ensure that systems in place to ensure people get medication are safe and effective.

The report read that: "Medication assessments have been carried out and identified additional people who required more intense support with medication.

"Medication recording was much clearer, detailing medications that had been administered. As required medication, that had been given had been recorded on the carers notes.".

The report added that this required improvement was met within the timescale.

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A second area for improvement had been set for the service at the previous visit, but this does not need to be met until February 13, 2024.

The improvement states that "the provider must ensure that robust and effective quality assurance processes are in place.

"They must ensure the identification of areas requiring action and the continuous improvement of the service."

The report graded the service out of a six-point scale, with a one being the worst.

Of the three areas graded, the service was given two scores of four and one score of five, giving it an overall of four.

Ayrshire Care Solutions has been contacted about the report.