Anyone who witnesses illegal fly-tipping in East Ayrshire is urged to report is as soon as they can.

Fly-tipping is the illegal dumping of any waste on to land.

This waste generally consists of single or multiple bags, household goods or large items of rubbish that are illegally dumped instead of being disposed of properly at a council amenity site or landfill.

If residents witness this, they can report a fly-tipping incident on the East Ayrshire Council website.

The more details provided, the more chance council workers have of catching and convicting offenders.

Important details to remember include: date; time; place of the incident; what has been dumped; description of any vehicles involved, including the number plate and your contact details.

Fines can be up to £40,000 and/or six months imprisonment.

Fines are unlimited if the case goes to the High Court, and offenders can get up to two years imprisonment, or five years if hazardous waste is dumped.