Vacant land in Skares that was once home to the village's play park is up for sale.

The site was once the source of some confrontation, as residents of Skares questioned the removal of the park, saying that it belonged to the people.

However, after some investigation, it was revealed that the ground did in fact belong to Hargreaves Land.

The owners said the former play park was "no longer fit for purpose".

READ MORE: Confusion over future of Skares playpark

Locals also raised concerns over what the future would hold for the vacant land.

It could now be that the answer to that question is not too far away, with the land listed for sale on Rightmove.

On the market for £15,000, the listing says that the land "is offered as bare land and has long term development potential for both residential and commercial use, subject to the necessary planning permissions being obtained".

READ MORE: Land owners coy on what future holds for vacant Skares ground

It adds: "The land is set down to grass with the playpark equipment now removed.

"The boundary of the site has recently been fenced."

You can view the listing on the Rightmove website.