A New Cumnock music group is hoping to draw in the local crowds as it plans to celebrate its anniversary in style.

The Sweet Afton Water Acoustic Music (SAWA) will hold its eighth anniversary celebrations at the New Cumnock Town Hall on Sunday, August 27, from 2pm-5pm.

As part of the celebrations, the group are delighted to have special guest Bruce Watson, who will be kicking off a UK tour in New Cumnock.

Over the years, SAWA Music has had artists play for them in venues such as Campbell Hall, Working Mens Club, Bowling Club, The Hunter Suite and Glens Bar.

For the upcoming free event to celebrate the anniversary, music-lovers can meet to sing, play and recite their favourite songs.

Founder, Geoff Crolley, said: "It'll be a great day for people to come along, have fun and see what we have to offer.

"Strangely, the majority of the people who come along are from much further afield than New Cumnock.

"We'd love for people in the community to come along and have a great time.

"It's great for the group to have Bruce Watson starting his UK tour with us in New Cumnock.

"Hopefully that'll be start of a brilliant day".

Find out more about the group and the celebrations, by going to the Sweet Afton Water Acoustic Music Facebook page.