Plans have been lodged with East Ayrshire Council to build a new house on a residential street in Cumnock.

Submitted by JKM Consultancy on behalf of Ms Smith, the new home would be built on land on Richmond Terrace.

It would be placed behind the homes that currently face onto Barrhill Road.

The three-bedroom house would also include space for two parking spaces on the currently residential street.

According to application plans on the East Ayrshire Council website, the home would be built on what is currently the garden of 26 Barrhill Road.

Both Scottish Water and Ayrshire Roads Alliance had no objections to the plans but Scottish Water said there were factors to take into consideration before construction could begin.

Further investigation work may also need to be carried out by Scottish Water once an official application is submitted.

You can view the full application on the East Ayrshire Council website, by searching for planning application 23/0165/PP.