STUDENTS and staff from Robert Burns Academy in Cumnock recently completed the popular Roon The Toon in aid of a local youth charity.

The dedicated team were raising money for Cumnock-based young people's organisation Yipworld.

Led by popular Academy teacher, Bernard Shepherd, who has organised several charity fund-raisers among pupils and staff at the school in the past, the fit team were aiming to stack up as much cash as they could to help the charitable organisation.

In total, the 40-strong team managed to bring in more than £800 to go towards supporting people in the area.

Peter Gilchrist, head of the Barony Campus, said: "A huge 'thank you' to the 40 wonderful Barony Campus pupils and staff for their superb efforts in raising over £800, which our partners in Yipworld will use to support our most vulnerable young people in our community.

"Well done everyone!"