Cumnock residents have been reacting to the news that Glaisnock Street could finally re-open after being closed for over a year and a half.

Comments range from tongue-in-cheek quips, to some sarcasm about the length of time it's taken to re-open the road.

Derek Montgomery, who jokingly said he is doing a sweep, is already predicting it will only be open for two weeks before closing again for "repairs".

READ MORE: Cumnock street could fully re-open 'next week' - almost 600 days on

Meanwhile, Linda Hamilton believes people have forgotten how to use the street, and Derek Halliday questions whether the building will stay standing at all.

Hugh Torbet has witnessed people continuing to drive up the closed road, and Kathy McGee says she will avoid walking on that side of the street just in case.

Residents have been waiting so long that Jon Gavienas jokingly noted there have been three prime ministers since the work started.

Rosemary Mitchell Terry will only believe it when she sees it happen, but Gillian Robinson is happy to see old buildings being preserved.

George Leishman compares the length of the closure to the time it took to resurface Howford bridge.

In August 2022, a decision was made to restore the building adjacent to the collapsed road to a safe condition and list it for sale on the market.

The works, costing £107,000, were set to begin once a contractor was appointed.

Council leader Douglas Reid had initially hoped for the road to open by the end of 2022, but it remained closed nearly 600 days after its original closure.