The whole Barony Campus in Cumnock is expected to be open tomorrow, after water and heating issues meant it was closed today.

A Robert Burns Academy spokesperson, which is part of the £68 million campus, said that there is an expectation that the whole campus will be open tomorrow.

Robert Burns Academy, Hillside ASN, and Lochnorris Primary School and Supported Learning Centre and Early Childhood Centre were all affected by heating and water issues, which led to the closure for the day.

Parents and guardians are expected to be updated fully in due course as the evening progresses or into tomorrow morning.

A spokesperson said: "We have spoken to colleagues in Facilities Management and the water issue is now resolved with a site survey taking place with respect to heating.

"We anticipate that the full campus will open tomorrow (Tues 20th December), and will advise, in early course, if this changes.

"We have asked that parents and carers receive a fuller update on the issues being experienced on the Campus and this will be sent to parents and carers by Facilities and Property Management colleagues in due course.

"We apologise for the disruption that the closure has caused."