The effects of Storm Arwen linger on in parts of Ayrshire as a group of gliding enthusiasts seek to repair their shelter, which was obliterated by the strong winds last month.

The Dumfries and District Gliding Club, one of only five such clubs in the country, face a huge task to rebuild their shed which was hit by the bad weather, potentially costing more than £10,000.

Ian Psaila, from Sinclairston, a member of the Dumfries and District Gliding Club, told the Chronicle how important the club was to gliding enthusiasts in the west of Scotland:

“Dumfries and District Gliding Club has reached far and wide and has members from all round the West of Scotland,” he said.

“It’s a great club. The older generation teaches the younger generation, not just how to fly gliders, but also aviation woodworking, avionics, glider repairs etc.

“This club is the start of a lot of aviators that cannot afford the big prices. Instructors even volunteer their time to teach students to fly free of charge.”

The club are aiming to fix the shelter themselves but are facing difficulties in financing the rebuild.

They’ve started a fundraiser to help them buy the £12,000 worth of materials needed, and so far more than £5,000 has been donated by gliding enthusiasts from across the UK.

David Neilson, who set up the fundraiser, said: “[We] suffered a considerable loss of a self built shed to Storm Arwen. We were fortunate that our winch and tow car were not damaged but we lost a considerable amenity and our only source of power – a diesel generator was crushed by the fallen structure.

“We are a small club with 25 members and limited resources and are appealing to the community to help us rebuild this much needed shed.

“We are resourceful and will do the build ourselves but require to fund the construction materials.”

Ian hopes their fundraising drive is successful, for himself, but also for his nine-year-old son Luqa. He said: “Luqa is already talking about the day that he will be able to fly solo. This club is an inspiration to many.”

There fundraiser can be found here.