East Ayrshire Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) has warned of its fears that many people in the area are storing up debt problems during the pandemic without seeking help.

Now they seek to remind them that support is available.

East Ayrshire CAB Manager Sarah Hammond said: “During the pandemic the CAB has already helped people with 1,225 debt issues, but as various protections from enforcing payment of debts ends and income support like furlough set to be wound down this year, the CAB is encouraging people to seek help early and not put off problems.

“The key thing is getting in touch with us. Our advisers here at the CAB understand your situation, they can discuss personalised options and solutions available to you.

“Advisers can negotiate with your creditors on your behalf, maybe even write-off some of your debts, or organise a re-payment plan that you can afford.”

CAB help is completely free, impartial and confidential. For more, contact them today on 01563 543379 or advice@eastayrshirecab.org.uk

Alternatively, vist East Ayrshire CAB on Facebook.