Fit Ayrshire Dads (FADs) have been connecting people from Drongan to Dalry by organising a week-long food collection for local foodbanks across Ayrshire.

FADs, a group set up to improve men’s mental health, headed up a similar project in 2019 but decided to level up this year to reach individuals and families in every corner of the region following the COVID-19 crisis.

Founder Kev Brown, from Kilwinning, sought out the help of kind-hearted members to unite Ayrshire people in the act of charity, with the week-long collection amassing hundreds of items including food and hygiene products.

Cumnock Chronicle:

£1,000 in donations was also raised, all of which was then passed over to foodbanks on Saturday.

Kev said: “Last year we delivered a whole load to the community foodbanks of North Ayrshire but this year we wanted to make sure that all of Ayrshire could benefit.

“We set up small teams in North, South and East Ayrshire then had a week long drive. We pushed it hard on our Facebook page and asked guys to push it on their own social media.

“The response on Saturday was insane. We didn’t know if we could beat our donations last year but we had workplaces, clubs and individuals donating amazingly all week. The whole community seemed to rally behind it. It was a huge success.

“It was the second time we’ve done it but it does leave me a bit deflated, the fact that there’s a need for it. It left me a bit flat that we’ve had to do it again. But at the same time I’m proud that the group has made a huge difference to the lives of so many families and at least now the stocks are high.”

Cumnock Chronicle:

Kev said the feedback from the foodbanks was humbling, particularly as the pandemic has left so many depleted. 

The FADs donation certainly helped to turn things around though – with one foodbank saying that their contribution alone had single-handedly replenished the stock that had been wiped out.

Kev continued: “A chap at the church we deal with in North Ayrshire educated us a bit and said foodbanks had been hit in different ways due to COVID. They usually get donations through a big supermarket chain but that was changed because they can’t have people going in the same way.

“They’d lost tonnes and tonnes but the FADs donation meant that now they wouldn’t be short. Things have been really difficult recently and the situation has divided the community geographically with what you can and can’t do so this was something that linked us together again.”

Cumnock Chronicle:

FADs would like to thank Kilwinning Rangers, Kilwinning Walker Club, Cumbrae Lodge, Mission Fit, Dynamic dance studio and every donor who has given items and cash.