REGARDING the speculation about whether David Mundell should or must resign his post as Secretary of State for Scotland, because of this or that or the other. He will not resign under any circumstances.

Why? He is employed by the only UK Prime Minister who will employ him, and she is the only Prime Minister who could recommend him for a peerage. In my opinion he will never put that at risk by going against his Prime Minister under any circumstances.

A life peerage must in my opinion be Mr Mundell’s aim; and then parachute his son into his current Westminster seat; thus founding and hoping to sustain a Mundell dynasty in Eskdale. He will surely look after his own interests first, second and ad infinitum and a peerage will provide the additional bonus of a well-remunerated life time platform to continue his obsession with blocking Scottish Independence.

£300 a day plus all the first-class expenses you can eat? It’s a no-brainer.

Michael Clarke