EAST Ayrshire Council employees have experienced a sharp increase in the number incidences of violence and aggression from customers in recent years, peaking at almost 180 reports in one single month.

Violence and aggression has become the highest health and safety incidence report within the Council and in light of this, a new initiative has been launched.

Councillor Douglas Reid, Leader of the Council said: "Violence at work is defined as any incident where an employee is abused, threatened or assaulted. Some of our employees are at greater risk due to the nature of their work however; overall violence and aggression are reaching an inappropriate level. The Council is wholly committed to supporting employees who have been subjected to violence.

"Violence towards our employees will not be tolerated and as part of this new approach any person abusing a Council employee, either verbally or physically, may be subject to legal action or will have the services delivered to them restricted." The Council's Health and Safety team will now establish focus groups which will identify and develop ways that help reduce violence and aggression towards employees.