A TOP Scottish DJ is set to perform as part of a show in support of Mauchline youngster, Ava Bolton.

Young Ava is currently battling stage 4 high risk neuroblastoma.

As part of her battle and recovery, her family, friends and the community have been doing their bit to help the Boltons to raise £250,000 to fund specialised treatment in America.

READ MORE: Mauchline parents' plea after Ava's heartbreaking cancer news

To help along with Ava and her family's mission, legendary DJ George Bowie will be performing in Cumnock next month.

Bowie, now perhaps best known for his GBX mixes at clubs across the west of Scotland and on radio, will perform at the Dumfries Arms (DA) Hotel in Cumnock on July 22.

The night will run from 7pm until 12am, with tickets costing £20, including a buffet.

READ MORE: Catrine charity workers raise thousands for Ava Bolton

Tickets can be bought directly from the DA by calling them on 01290 429230.

Elsewhere, the special staff at Ava's nursery, Craighead Country Nursery School, raised an incredible £10,000 to help towards Ava's total.

The dedicated team, who have been doing all they can to help the Boltons, got their walking boots on and headed up Goatfell on the Isle of Arran.

READ MORE: Young Ava gets support from Scotland star 

They smashed through their initial target of raising £1,000 before they started.

The dedicated Help Our Ava Facebook page is filled with amazing stories about how people in the community and beynd are banding together for brave Ava.

The fundraising total stands at £160,000, with a target of £250,000.

You can support the efforts by going to https://bit.ly/scottnatalieandava.